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KC-CH Single Wheel Cut Knurling Tool

Characteristic of Cut Knurlilng Tool

Turning external diameter cut knurling tool can adjust the cutting angle, can protect the accuracy of the machine tool, for small machine tools, rigid requirements are low.
Applicable types of machine tools: CNC lathe, automatic lathe, multi-axis lathe, Swiss automatic lathe, Lathe-milling machine tools.

Single Wheel Cut Knurling Tool

The Tool can process straight lines and left or right cross grain,the cutter head and handle of cutter are provided with fine turning function.

Knurling Type

Knuling Type Cut Knuling Wheel Feed Type
RAA BR30° F←
  RBR30° AA F←
RAA   BL30° F←
  RBL30° AA F←

Imported Cut Wheel

AA   BL15°   BR15°   BL30°   BR30°

Product Data

Model Direction  Processing Range   Wheel Size Tool Shank Size Spare Part


Φ3-50 Φ14.5×3×5 26 23 74 16 14 99 EAT14.53
CH1145R16 16
CH1215R20 Φ5-250 Φ21.5×5×8 39 36 114 25 20 149 EAT21.55
CH1215R25 25

Cut Knurling Tool Use Method

1.Install tool into tool holder and adjust tool center height to ensure center position of workpiece.

2.Adjust the wheel to the outer diameter of the workpiece and adjust the width of the two wheels to close the workpiece.

3.Start to work,fast cut 1/2 of the teeth pitch and width is about 1/3 of wheel

4.Start Z axial feed when the knuling pattern is finished.

5.If the tooth type is faulty, adjust the axial adjustment of the cutter holder.

6.Use larger cutting fluid or lubricant to remove the iron scraps

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